Haha, It took me maybe a couple of hours all together. Glad you like it! A lot of people say my signature is hair, and clothing. I've gotten really fluent and quick when it comes to making hair.
OMG!! For a second I thought I was looking at a video game!!! You did a very awesome job. I totally love the hair and clothes details. How long did it take you to draw this because if I drew something like this it would take me like a whole year lol. Anyways keep up the good work
Haha. I had a tag with a bunch of them on them awhile back because I'm lazy LOL So when it comes to tags it's basically just a tag full of random characters.
Otakuite | Posted 01/31/10 | Reply
@Hello Kitty Freak:
Haha, It took me maybe a couple of hours all together. Glad you like it! A lot of people say my signature is hair, and clothing. I've gotten really fluent and quick when it comes to making hair.
Otakuite | Posted 01/30/10 | Reply
Yup! This is how she looks in Kingdom Hearts 2. Glad you all like it! I really appreciate it!
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/10 | Reply
wow thats really good the shadeing is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Kitty Freak
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
OMG!! For a second I thought I was looking at a video game!!! You did a very awesome job. I totally love the hair and clothes details. How long did it take you to draw this because if I drew something like this it would take me like a whole year lol. Anyways keep up the good work
have a nice day (=^w^=)
Otakuite | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
@vampire kiss:
Haha. I had a tag with a bunch of them on them awhile back because I'm lazy
LOL So when it comes to tags it's basically just a tag full of random characters.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
It Looks AWESOME!!!!!!!! Luv it!! ♥ ♥
vampire kiss
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
IT ALL LOOKS AMAZING..BUT why are there tags like naruto...deidara and stuff?i dont think they where in kingdom hearts..where they?
oturan ikamuzu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/29/10 | Reply
wow! really nice. i like her hair. it's pretty!

nice shadings too. keep it up!!